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Library Catalog

ALL items in the MCGS Library Collection are non-circulating and must be used on-site. 

The MCGS Research Library, housed at the San Rafael (Marin) Family History Center (FHC), has been cataloged into Library Holdings Reports.  These reports in PDF format are available below.  Please note: you will need Adobe Reader to open and read any of these files. If you do not have Adobe Reader, go to www.Adobe.com to download a free copy of the program.

Library Holdings Reports:

Titles: A long continuous list of all Titles held by MCGS, in alphabetical order. 
Authors: A list of authors which will link to the publication(s) MCGS holds. (Please note that there are many items in the library’s holdings without an author, such as periodicals and microfilms.) 
Subject: A list of all Titles grouped by subject.  Subjects include localities (e.g. California) and topics (e.g. emigration.)
Periodicals/Quarterlies: An alphabetic list of magazine holdings at the MCGS Library. 
Compact Discs (CD-ROMS): A list of CDs at the MCGS Library, many containing books or publications content.  
Microfilms and Microfiche:  A list of film and fiche stored in our Library. Microfilms listed in the catalog are those which are on “permanent” loan from the FHL in Salt Lake City.

To search for items within the Library Holdings pages in the PDF report, use Find (CTRL+F). This brings up a small window to fill with search word(s). Click on Find/Next to locate items in the report.  Reports listed above are also available in printed form in a blue binder at the MCGS Library.

Suggestions to help you identify items in our Library Holdings:

Many of the MCGS books and microfilms can be found by searching the Family History Library (FHL) Catalog or the WorldCat catalog in addition to our Library Holdings Reports listed above. See this MCGS article for directions on using these 3 catalogs in conjunction.

Once you have located  item you are seeking in the FHL catalog, you may use the FHL/MCGS Call Number Cross Reference to locate the item in our Library.

How to find an item within the MCGS FHC Library:

The Type/Location field from the catalog identifies the item as a book, periodical, or other media. 

Books are mostly in the Office/Library Room.

Periodicals  and microfilm/microfiche are kept in the Reader Room.

CDs can be used by appointment. 

Use the MCGS Call# to locate where that item is filed within the Room. The MCGS Call #s are numerical beginning with 100s; the subset, after the period in the Call #, may contain alphabetic characters.

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