Meetings are open to the public.
Please register for each meeting you would like to attend. Please choose your meeting under "Upcoming Events" below. Click to register, and the Zoom link will be sent in your event confirmation email. We look forward to seeing you there!
GENERAL MEETINGSGeneral Meetings are open to the public, with no admission fee, and generally held on the 4th Thursday of every month. We usually have an invited speaker, or participate in small-group workshops or roundtables. DNA GROUP MEETINGS
DNA Group meetings are normally held on the 3rd Thursday of each month. Learn more by visiting our DNA Group page. WRITING GROUP MEETINGSWriting Group meetings, led by Laurel Hilton, are a benefit to Members. Join our society today to access professional reviews and tutoring as you write your genealogical stories. Learn more by visiting our Writer's group page. GENEALOGY SOCIAL HOURJoin us on the 1st Thursday of each month to chat about your recent discoveries. Each month will focus on a different topic. book clubJoin us to discuss a genealogy or history related book at each meeting. Book Club meetings are normally held on the 2nd Monday of each month at 6:30. Learn more by visiting our Book Club page. Saturday BreakfastThis group meets the first Saturday of each month at 9am at Star Restaurant in Novato, CA to discuss all things genealogy. Learn more by visiting our Saturday Breakfast page. ![]() | Upcoming events
CALENDaR VIEWView our full Calendar of past and future events. Information about all events are listed. Zoom LinksMembers Only (Login Required) Click on the picture below to access Zoom links for all meetings: HANDOUTS FOR MEETINGSCurrent handouts can be found on each Event Page, available from the Upcoming Events List or the Calendar. Archives of past handouts can be found below: General Meeting Handout Archive BAY AREA EVENTSVisit the Bay Area Genealogy Calendar. This calendar will cover events from the following counties: Marin, Sonoma, Napa, Solano, Contra Costa, Alameda, Santa Clara, San Mateo, and San Francisco. Research TripsJoin us for trips to genealogy libraries, including the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, the Sutro Library at San Francisco State University, and the California Genealogical Society Library in Oakland. Learn more by visiting our Research Trips Page. On hold due to COVID. BOARD MEETINGSThe MCGS Board meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month except May and December. MeetingsAll meetings, unless otherwise noted, are currently being held on Zoom. Our meetings are open to the public. If you are interesting in attending a meeting, please contact to request a Zoom link. |