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Sheryn Klein (President, email)

Sue Hagan (1st Vice President, Publicity)
Sue Keller (2nd Vice President)
Karen Parsons (Secretary)
David Kinney (Treasurer)
Sandy Smith (Registrar)


Vernon Smith (DNA Group, Writing Group Liaison, Website, Past President)
Betty Wood (At Large, Hospitality Chair)
Sierra Pope (At Large, Past President)
Vickie Settle (At Large,
Past President)

Anita McPherson (Newsletter Editor)


Nancy Evans  (Programs, Past President)
Laurel Hilton  (Writers Group)
Phyllis Garratt (Consultant)

To contact a Board Member, email addresses can be found in the Members Directory in the Members Only section.

We look forward to hearing from you! 


MCGS needs you!  We are a 100% volunteer organization and we have many ways you can assist by volunteering with us.  Here are some examples:

  • Board Member -  Board Meetings are held once a month, virtually.  If you're not sure what position you'd like to fill, consider joining as an At-Large member first.
  • Officer - The Leaders of our Board! 
  • Monthly Meetings - When we meet in person, the room needs prepped, and we like to greet our visitors personally. 
  • Special Projects - Recently we assisted the Missing In America project.  Are you interested in tackling a One-Place Study or helping us transcribe records? Suggestions for future projects are very welcome.
  • Library - we need a  Volunteer to fill the position of MCGS Librarian
  • Mentorship - Share your expertise by assisting members and visitors who need advice.
  • Field Trips - Organize a trip to your favorite research venue; we're open to suggestions and would appreciate the coordination.
  • Publicity - We need a Volunteer to help to publicize our Society to other groups, and to promote our Zazzle store, See's Candy fundraisers, and more.
  • Website - Found an error or have a suggestion for how to improve our site, please let us know! 

Interested in any of the above or have additional ideas?  Contact Vickie Settle President

Current Volunteer Project: 


Committees of the Society may include but are not limited to the following: 

    1. Program
    2. Newsletter
    3. Publicity
    4. Research
    5. Library
    6. Website

BOARD MINUTES and materials

A copy of Board Minutes from prior meetings is available on the Board Meeting Minutes Page.

Here are additional Board Resources:  Board of Directors Material 


Read / download the Bylaws
Passed by the membership on April 27, 2017

Conn Rusche, Secretary for Bylaw Revision


Read / download the Standing Rules

Approved by the Board on June 8, 2017


Marin County Genealogical Society was formed in May 1977 and is a 501(c)(3) non-profit California Corporation.

Past Presidents:

2023-2024        Vickie Settle
2021-2023        Nancy Evans
2018-2020 Vernon Smith

2014-2017 Sierra Pope

2011-2014 Jim Robinson

2009-2011 David Williams

2008-2009 Cathy Gowdy

2007-2008 Shirley Genetin

2004-2007 Kathy Cortez

2003-2004 Susan Trumbull

2002-2003 Esther Kooiman

2000-2002 Carl Black

1998-2000 Lauren Boyd

1996-1998 Jim Robinson

1994-1996 Pat Friesen

1993-1994 Carol Kemp

1991-1993 Jim Robinson

1989-1991 Esther Kooiman

1988-1989 Joy Lehmann

1986-1988 Esther Kooiman

1984-1986 Joy Lehmann

1983-1984 Edgar ‘Ted’ Sliney

1981-1983 Hugh Wallace

To Aug 1981 Kay Willis

1978-1981 Jack Castor

1977 Marvin Lewis



For general correspondence or access to meetings, please contact us at info@maringensoc.org.   

For research questions, please see our Research Page

Members, please feel free to email Board Members directly using the Member Directory.

Postal address:

Marin County Genealogical Society
PO Box 1511
Novato, CA


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