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Name Index & Subject Index For Volumes 1 Through 25

Each Volume Has 4 Issues, numbered 1 (Winter),  2 (Spring), 3 (Summer), and 4 (Fall).

Vols 1-25 Name Index

Vols 1-25 Subject Index

The convention for the page numbering is not consistent throughout all the Volumes.

  • Volumes 1 through 17, and 23 through 25 are numbered consecutively from the beginning of the Volume to the end.

For these Volumes a two number reference is used for the Index. For example, 16-8 means Volume 16, page 8.

  • For Volumes 18 through 22, the page numbering starts over for each issue in a Volume.

For these Volumes a three number reference is used for the Index.  For example, 19-2(3) means Volume 19, issue 2, page 3.

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