We are proposing to base the next several meetings on the book "Research Like a Pro with DNA", by Diana Elder, Nicole E. Dyer and Robin Wirthlin. The March 2025 Virtual DNA meeting is on Thursday, Mar 20th, 2025 at 7 pm. The topic for this meeting will cover Chapter 2 of the book. Assess Your DNA Matches & Analyze Your Pedigree Please come prepared to discuss the topics covered in this chapter. Here are some blog posts that you might want to read. FAQS What Where How When 2025 (Donna Rutherford) Leave No Stone Unturned, No Ancestor Behind: 10 Easy Steps to Capture DNA Clues (Roberta Estes) To attend please REGISTER for the meeting. Registration is available in the list of Upcoming Events on our homepage. |
Find out about the latest trends in DNA and Genealogy by reading the
Latest Blog Posts (updated 3/19/2025)
Posts for previous months, click here.
A Guide to Understanding Your Ancestry DNA Results, a two part video series.
Note that these videos are large files and will take some time to load. If you click on the link and it opens in your browser, this is only a preview, and to see the video in full resolution, you will need to download it and then open it with the video app. on your device.Video one: A Tour of Ancestry DNA and Working with Matches
Video two: Filtering, Sorting, ThruLines, and Custom Groups for AncestryDNA Matches
Kitty Cooper's DNA Newbie FAQ
Stream a video on "DNA for Beginners: The Three Tests" by Debbie Kennett
Kelly Wheaton offers a "Beginners Guide to Genetic Genealogy"
Cece Moore has a four part series on "DNA Testing for Genealogy"
FTDNA eBook "Interpreting Genetic Genealogy Results"
John A Blair provides a basic discussion with "DNA 101"
Donna Rutherford provides "DNA - What, when, how, why - FAQ's for beginners" updated version.
Margaret O'Brien offers "How to Use AncestryDNA Matches – a Comprehensive Guide"
Discussion of "ICW vs. Triangulation" (download)
Which DNA tests to take - “Which DNA testing company should I use?”,
“Sorting out the DNA Tests Available for Genealogy” , and "The Best DNA Ancestry Testing Kit"
Tips for Using Gedmatch Tips for Using GEDmatch
Angie Bush's Gedmatch Basics A video on GEDmatch basics from Angie Bush
Beginners Guide to "DNA Genealogy Using GEDmatch"
Handout for "How to Add DNA Matches to Your Ancestry Tree"
This has recommendations that some would argue with, "A Practical Guide to Using Autosomal DNA (atDNA) for Genealogical Purposes"
Handout for Downloading and Uploading Your DNA Data
How to Download Your DNA Match Lists & Segment Files
Visual Phasing By Blaine Bettinger
Links to "Finding Biological Family With DNA Testing" (download)
References for X-DNA Testing and Matching (download)
Links to "Finding Lisa" story (download)
Lots of information, courtesy of NIH, on Genetics
Lots of useful links on "ISOGG Wiki"
This has an interesting discussion of "Identical by Descent"
a) AncestryDNA Helper App for chrome browser
b) MedBetterDNA App for chrome browser
c) Autosomal DNA Analysis Tools by Tim Janzen